You're in the right place.


Whether you're creating your first homeschool plan or your fifth, Simply Homeschool is a trusted source of quality Australian-based Core Programs and successful registration plan documents. 


Homeschooling gives your children the opportunity to engage with their learning in all subjects in ways that work best for them. Our Core programs and resources support the premise that you know your children best and have the ideal plan in mind for them!

With a Simply Homeschool membership, you're steering the learning journey. We recommend starting with 4-6 cores plus maths in your Family Learning Plan, but this varies greatly between different learners and families.

We recognise that learning is integrated - as children learn about one area, they're also applying skills from other areas.

Rather than separating learning into different subjects, Simply Homeschool offers an integrated learning program, where each Core Program holistically incorporates a range of skills and subjects.

At Simply Homeschool, there’s no guilt about not getting ‘enough’ done and there’s no minimum yearly requirement!

If your learner takes a whole year to really deep dive into a small handful of cores, then that is a year very well spent!


Get Started in 5 Steps


"I'd always written my own curriculum for my five children, but when I started working from home and studying, I suddenly found myself too time-poor to keep doing this. A friend introduced me to Simply Homeschool as a way to fill in the gaps and remove the feeling of overwhelm.

I love how Simply Homeschool is written so that I can pick and choose what's right for us. I can extend or skip things where I need to. I particularly love that there was something for all ages, and the children could all work through the same core at their own levels.
Simply Homeschool has given me a quality curriculum written by homeschoolers, similar to what I would have done myself. This has given me so much more time to spend with my children, teaching and connecting."

Belynda, Western Australia

How do I make sure I'm covering everything?

This is one of the key questions we hear again and again!
We're confident you have your child's best interests at heart when planning for their learning. With a Simply Homeschool membership, we partner with you by bringing our quality Core Programs and dedicated customer support to your learning plan. Together, we create the foundations for enriching learning opportunities that meet your child at their level and foster growth and a love of learning at their own pace.
Each of our Core Programs is designed to cover a range of subjects (or Key Learning Areas), and each one is aligned to the Australian curriculum. You can use the search tool here to explore options for different learning areas, ages and more. 

Can you help me with registration?

Yes! If you're looking for information regarding the process for registration in each Australian state or territory, you'll find that here
Our Simply Homeschool members have access to Stage KLA's (Key Learning Area information) for each Core, as well as the option to purchase a Registration document we create for you. This process involves pre-filling some information about each of your children. Our Registration team then create your plan for you. Registration documents are $120 for the first child, and $100 for subsequent children. These are available to order after you've joined as a member. 

What is a Core Program?

A Core Program is typically based on a book (not a textbook) - an actual fiction or non-fiction book! The book is a diving-off point from where learners will explore a range of subject areas through hands-on activities, including research projects, critical analysis, art projects and science experiments, as well as English skills starting from phonics right through to identifying reliable sources, note-taking and essay writing.

How does a Core Program work with multiple ages?

One of the unique aspects of the Simply Homeschool program is its ability to adapt to multiple ages. Simply Homeschool is not grade or stage based. Instead, we recognise that an 8-year-old can be just as interested in marine biology as a 12-year-old. Our core programs are flexible enough to cater to multiple ages and abilities.

How do I know if I'm doing enough?

You know your learners best! For your planning, we recommend choosing 4-6 Core Programs for the year ahead.
When you're ready to begin your home learning, we suggest starting with one Core Program plus maths. This is especially helpful if you're new to homeschool. Give yourselves time to find your rhythm.
Once you have found your Simply Homeschool flow, look at adding another core to your week. You can add or remove Core Programs from your plan at any time. You don’t have to work in school terms. It’s your homeschool, so make sure it works for you!

We encourage you to take your time hand-picking Core Programs, creating a plan for the year ahead, and meeting your children’s specific needs and interests!

Explore what Simply Homeschool has to offer!

Follow the link below to begin the process of choosing a Membership, and then setting up your Family Learning Plan with Core Programs. You can reach out to us at any time for assistance!

We'd love to answer your questions and help you get started.

Our Customer Support team is available Monday-Friday 9am-5pm AEST, and we'd love to help you through the set-up process and answer any questions you may have!