Enriching, Australian-based unit studies for homeschoolers


At Simply Homeschool, we approach unit studies differently.

Our monthly membership provides the flexibility to tailor your learning journey by selecting from over 80 comprehensive core unit studies, all available whenever you choose.
Your children's interests will deepen over time and sometimes change completely—this is the beauty of homeschool! With our monthly membership, you're never restricted to individually purchased unit studies—instead, you can add or remove core units at any time.
Each core unit is clearly laid out, with a printable overview of lessons, including any suggested books and resources. You can skip or change lessons and activities that aren't the right fit for your children. As homeschoolers ourselves, we trust that parents knowledge and understanding of their children is unparalleled.

A Simply Homeschool membership supports you to explore, learn and grow with your children!

"Simply Homeschool has been a huge time saver for me.

I've been able to dip in and find perfect units for learning gaps or interest areas whenever needed.

I love the breadth of topics available; there's always something new of interest to each of my children. I also appreciate the flexibility of the Cores that often allow our whole family to work together on the same topic, from early primary through to high school."

- Emily, Victoria


Frequently Asked Questions

What if all the content doesn't suit my children?

The breadth of unit studies on offer within your Simply Homeschool membership means there's something for everyone! 

Our 80+ core unit studies revolve around engaging themes or topics that capture students' interests, leading to more enjoyable and effective learning experiences. Many cores include hands-on activities, experiments, and projects that make learning more interactive and memorable.

For those with more stringent reporting needs, all our core units are aligned to the Australian curriculum and both recording and reporting can be saved as you go in your Simply Homeschool Member portal. 

I usually buy individual unit studies.

Raise your hand if:

  • you've ever invested in a single unit study, only to have your learner lose interest part-way through?
  • you've purchased far too many units than is humanly possible to enjoy?!

Simply Homeschool isn't a program or curriculum with set parameters, but rather a resource you can access again and again.

For families who prefer to take the "unit studies approach" for their homeschool, our membership offers ongoing access to over 80 core unit studies for primary- and secondary-age children. This means you can pick up and try any core unit without having to outlay extra funds each time. Additionally, our memberships are as flexible as you need, so you're not locked in to a long-term contract. 

Will we end up using this enough?

Each core unit study contains learning material that can be adapted to different age levels and learning styles. Coupled with our regular updates, this results in core unit studies that are flexible to grow with your children. Families are encouraged to use these learning materials at their own pace, adjusting the schedule based on their own needs and preferences. 

"When I started working from home and studying I suddenly found myself too time-poor to keep writing my own curriculums. A friend introduced me to Simply Homeschool and it removed the feeling of overwhelm.

I loved that I could pick and choose what was right for us, and could extend where I needed to and skip things not in line with what I needed. I particularly loved that there was something for all ages, and my children could all work through the same core, but each at their individual levels."
- Belynda, Western Australia

As a Simply Homeschool member, you'll enjoy our vast and ever-growing library of amazing core unit studies.

You'll dip in and out of interest-based core unit studies, and follow your own unique learning journey with a smorgasbord of options at your fingertips!

We can't wait to welcome you!