Homeschooling is legal in the Northern Territory. If you choose to homeschool your child, you must gain approval from the Northern Territory Department of Education. Home education approval is valid for one school year. You must reapply each year.

New homeschooling families can register at any time during the year. Continuing families must reapply by the November date which you will be notified of via email.

Homeschooling while travelling is not allowed in the Northern Territory. If you have planned to travel for less than six months, contact your child’s school to negotiate a plan for education while travelling. If you are travelling for more than six months, you will be required to enrol your child in a Distance Eduacation School.  See more information for this here: Distance and online learning | NT.GOV.AU

How to apply for Home Education Registration in NT:

  1. Request a registration for home education form by emailing  doe@education.nt.gov.au.
  2. Fill in the ‘Registration for Home Education’ form for each child.
  3. Fill in the teaching, learning and assessment plan for each child.
    1. For students in Transition to Year 10, complete the home-education-teaching-learning-assessment-plan-transition-to-year-10.docx (live.com)
    2. For students in Year 11 or 12, complete the home-education-teaching-learning-assessment-plan-year-11-and-12.docx (live.com)
  4. To adequately complete the online home education application form, you will need to:
    1. Explain how you will substantially address the 8 learning areas for the year, aligned with the Australian Curriculum
    2. How progress and achievement will be measured
    3. How their learning activities will be recorded, assessed and how their progress will be monitored
    4. Outline a range of resources to support your child’s learning
    5. Show understanding of your child’s strengths, weaknesses and learning styles
    6. Outline the area in your home suitable for homeschooling purposes

You will have the option to save your form and return to it later.

  1. Email your home education application form along with:
    1. A photo of your learning area
    2. A timetable showing when you plan to cover the required learning areas (this can be as flexible or as rigid as you like)
  2. After you have submitted your application, you will be notified in writing that your application has been received. Your application will then be assessed and you will be notified of the outcome in writing.
  3. A home visit may be arranged if deemed necessary.

How to Complete your Home Education Application Form

We can do it for you...

Simply Homeschool offers support to write your Educational Plan. This Registration Document can be purchased by members in our Resource Shop. You can join now if you would like to explore this option.

Alternatively, you can complete the application yourself...

Develop and provide a summary of the learning plan for your child for the next 12 months. The initial ideas for planning your child's home education program will come from your own observations of your child and the goals you have for them.

The Department of Education encourages you to choose your own approach or style and to tailor your teaching style to the individual needs of your child. Simply Homeschool Cores are a perfect fit for this approach. Time invested in developing a summary of the learning plan for each subject will help you to address the registration requirements and importantly, provide you with direction for the learning year ahead.

If you are using other resources outside of Simply Homeschool, plan learning activities that will fulfil the curriculum requirements. The learning activities that you plan can include documentaries, online research, writing tasks, visits to museums, shows and other cultural activities.

IF YOU NEED TO REMOVE YOUR CHILD FROM SCHOOL URGENTLY you will need to contact your school principal to discuss your reasons for requiring immediate exemption.