Homeschooling is legal in Tasmania. You can apply to home educate your child during their compulsory school years (5-18 years).

Homeschooling while travelling is allowed, however, you must show intent to return to Tasmania.

You also have the option of part time homeschooling where your child is enrolled in a school for up to two days each week. This can be negotiated with the principal at the school of your choice.

You are required to complete one application per family, naming each child to be home-educated.

An educational plan for each child will need to be developed. This is called an HESP (Home Education Summary and Program). This plan will show how you will address the standards across a broad range of educational areas. You will find templates and examples provided on the THEAC website.

A registration officer needs to sight your child and can meet with you either at your home, at another suitable location of your choice, or via Skype.

Provisional registration will generally take anywhere from 7-10 days. As soon as you receive provisional registration from the registrar, you can legally remove your child from school. Full registration can take up to 2-3 months.

If you wish to renew your registration, you will complete the application form again, and provide an HESP for each child, which will include an evaluation and summary of the previous year of homeschooling.

How to apply for Home Education Registration in TAS: 

  1. Download an application form here
  2. Include the following documents with your application.
  3. A certified copy of your child’s birth certificate.
  4. Proof of Tasmanian residence.
  5. Any relevant court orders.
  6. An HESP for each child.
  7. A plan for recording learning activities, progress and achievement.
  8. Submit your application and relevant documents either online here.

or post to:  Office of the Education Registrar  

      GPO Box104, Hobart Tas 7001 

Start homeschooling!